1:1 Breathing Workshop


A completely live online program in 1:1 format, specially designed to learn this wonderful practice of mental health and emotional intelligence, from scratch.

You will learn ancestral breathing patterns to help you improve the relationship you have with yourself, with your loneliness and with the environment; and also to form a solid habit of meditation, whether or not you have meditated before.

"It is not enough to know, you also have to apply. It is not enough to want, you also have to act"
– Goethe –


– An experience that combines practice with spaces for dialogue and talks is called a workshop. The objective is for the person to develop their own breathing routine, being very clear about all the emotional and physiological processes involved in meditation.

– The workshop lasts 4 weeks in total. Each week you will have:

(i) Three sessions of 1 hour e/one.
(ii) Extra-class meditative assignments to help you encode the habit of meditation into your system, by meditating alone.

– The sessions will be live on Zoom.

– In each session, ancestral breathing patterns and meditations will be addressed from a theoretical-practical perspective, knowing in depth the physiological, historical and scientific theory behind each of the techniques.

– Important: you can do the workshop with someone else, and this would not affect the fee described below, as long as both people are together, connected from the same device.


– Ancestral breathing and meditative practices aimed at emotional void, sadness, fear, anger, frustration, anxiety, empowerment, serenity, sexual energy and glandular strengthening.

– Breathing patterns and meditations for nervous, emotional and energy balance.

– Topics related to emotional empowerment, mental health, self-love, cellular intelligence, trauma stocked in the body, history of breathing meditation, etc.

"We meditate to convert the powers of human existence into tools that accelerate our own evolution"
– Sri Aurobindo –



– Basic principles of breathing meditation (expansion, contraction, rest, purification)
– Nervous system and glands involved in the practice of breathing meditation.
– Breathing patterns for emotional void and sadness.
– Breathing pattern for emotional balance.


– The classical-poetic and scientific interpretations of breathing meditation.
– Detachment and empowerment as tools of human evolution.
– Breathing pattern for fear, anger and frustration.
– Breathing pattern for nervous balance.


– Virtuosity, self-love and evolution.
– Sexual energy, abundance and wisdom.
– Breathing patterns for glandular strengthening, serenity and anxiety.
– Breathing pattern for energy balance.

* ABOUT WEEK 4: this week will be a general review, both theoretical and practical, as well as questions and answers.


I'm Antonio, and I have more than 20 years of experience in meditation and ancient yoga, in India, Nepal and Costa Rica. Here you can read more.



They are coordinated individually.


Live on Zoom.

FEE, US$300 p/course (either 1 or 2 people).

* The space is reserved via bank transfer, PayPal or SINPE-Costa Rican-mobile, by paying the entire rate. Tell me to send you the payment information only if you have already decided that you will do the program, please.

* If you pay in colones, use the sale rate according to the Central Bank of Costa Rica here.


– At the end of the workshop you will have solid breathing and meditative tools to transform your emotional perspective on life.

– Although there is a theoretical component, 80% of the entire workshop is practical. The theory only comes to complement the practical experience of each participant, so that they know what exactly they are doing, and how the transformations happen inside their body and mind.

– Ideally, sessions should be scheduled on the same day and time each week, with the objective of assigning extra-class practices that allow incorporating the habit of meditation into the daily routine, which will be key to integrating the desired objectives within the physical and mental systems in each person.

– The program is only for people over 21 years of age.

– Modo Elefante is a meditation center, not therapy. People suffering from depression, psychiatric/mental pathologies or addictions of any type, please consider other options since the program lacks the human, medical and technological resources to treat such situations.

– But in relation to the above, if you are under psychological or psychiatric treatment, you can ask your therapist or doctor for approval of this program. I have worked this way with a large number of people, obtaining excellent results.

– Cancellation policy: canceled sessions may be replaced only within 5 calendar days.

Here you can read about Modo Elefante's concept.


Fill out the following form only if you have already made your reservation:

*Click here.
